Martensen Wright PC

Establishing Scandinavian businesses in the U.S. every day.

About Us

Martensen Wright PC is dedicated to a single purpose: to cost effectively set up Danish and other Scandinavian businesses in the U.S. We establish business entities daily — of the type and in the locale that most suits your needs. We facilitate your staffing by securing visas and Green Cards for key personnel. And we provide Employer advice and contracts for those employees that protect your corporate interests. We offer legal guidance to further your business enterprise in the “New World”. Our goal is to make your endeavors in the U.S. easy and understandable.
(Note: translations powered by Google translate)

“In starting a new business venture in the US, you need to be able to trust your advisors. My advisors at Martensen Wright PC have earned that trust. They guided me through corporate set up and secured visas for me and my family.
Their attorneys and staff have been easy to work with and responsive to my needs.”

Anatoly Stukanov, Board Member, BrightSide Studios, Inc., California